April 26, 2013

Spiraling closer, a year in review part 2

We move in a week! Oi, I need to be packing instead of blogging.

So I left off coming home from Christmas at my parents. The depression that I had be fighting to deny was catching up with me and I felt like I was on a bad roller coaster. January sucked. It was cold and there were storms. My husband and I had started to seriously consider moving come May because his full time job would lay him off for the four months when college was not in session and there were not people here to feed in the cafeteria. The future was less certain than ever. I did not know where God was calling us and the uncertainty frightened me. I couldn't talk to my best friend because as uncertain and frightened as I felt, I knew her situation was much worse. Then we had a big fight. It was 90% my bad communication and I knew it as soon as the words left my mouth, they weren't how I meant to say it but it had been said. I apologized and waited. Like I said, January sucked.

February did not get much better. I got a second job because I had been working at Zellers and they were closing all their store at the end of March. My emotional state was a wreck, trapped in a cycle of guilt, and then there started to be constant stress from scheduling conflicts at work. I don't remember much else of February.

March I quite one job, the scheduling difficulties were too much for me. That left me with a job with very few hours a week but at least it was less stress. I put my spare time into getting a feast ready for the SCA (Society for Creative Anachronism; Lots of fun! If you're interested in history you should check out your local group.) 

The first week of April was exceptionally crazy. On top of my birthday, Easter and the feast my husband and I were hosting, my husband got a job interview Good Friday, was accepted for the job to start ASAP, we found out we had lost the hall for the feast Saturday, had a mad scramble to find a new hall in one week, had a 18th birthday party for a good friend, made a new outfit for the feast, found the new hall did not have a kitchen, cooked a meal for 45 in three different kitchens and carted the food to the hall, had two friends over night, and succeed in running a nearly hitch free event that everyone enjoyed!

After that run-on-sentence of a week, April slowed down only slightly. We confirmed we are moving to Saskatoon and found an apartment. We got all the finances (almost) in order to get said apartment as well as finding me a job up there. Now it's just packing, cleaning and letting reality set in.

Today the world feels lighter--especially with the 20+ weather all of a sudden!--but I still have bad days, and really bad days more often than not. I know that God has blessed us in this move, everything is coming together despite my fears and I do look forward to what He is bringing around this bend in the road.

The saddest part of all this has been leaving my church family that has grown here in the seven years I've lived in this funny little college town of Caronport. Last Monday we all had supper together and they sent us off with pray. It brought tears to my eyes and gave me more hope than they can know. I will hear from them all again, although not as often perhaps, and I know that God will have a community waiting for us in Saskatoon too.

So that has been my year. I look forward to my fourth year of marriage and what it will bring, God willing.

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